Open mic conference

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What is an Open mic conference?

Have you ever wondered why all the sessions in Open mic conference Day are TBD? Might there be a problem? No. It's definitely intended!

An Open mic conference is a participant-driven meeting. The term "unconference" has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid hierarchical aspects of a conventional conference, such as sponsored presentations and top-down organization. Wikipedia

If you felt that the timetable for the fly-in conference was filled with TBD and that it was a work in progress, you are correct.
Let's see how ScalaMatsuri Open mic conference is organized.

ScalaMatsuri Open mic conference flow

Please register your session ideas at Welcome to ScalaMatsuri 2024 Open Mic Conference (Google Forms)!
We will review submissions according to the "Day-of Schedule" described below.

Upon acceptance, we will confirm the following:
- Confirmation of availability for presentation
- Adjustment of session duration
- Slide review for Code of Conduct compliance

When the time comes, the presenter should go up on stage and start the session.

Additionally 🎉
As a token of appreciation for those who present at this year's Open Mic Conference, we will be giving away special commemorative original acrylic stands for ScalaMatsuri 2024 Open Mic Conference!
We highly encourage you to participate!

Special commemorative original acrylic stands for ScalaMatsuri 2024 Open Mic Conference

Flow of the day

Please refer here for the morning meeting

After the opening of the first day, all participants who came in the morning plan the timetable based on the material gathered the day before, and decide which time slot will be used.
Day 2 will be similar, with timetable planning by all participants at the morning meeting.
Once the timetable has been set, the flying conference sessions will begin!

You are free to join in or leave during the session, as there are a lot of interesting sessions and sessions you want to listen to often overlap.

The fly-in conference will feature a mixture of Japanese and English sessions.
There is no simultaneous oral interpretation, but enjoy communication between Japanese and English speakers.

You can also jump in and add conference sessions outside of the morning sessions. You may start a session in a guerrilla style.
If you would like to be included in the timetable, please contact the management.
The schedule for the day will be reflected on this page as soon as possible, so if you find a session that interests you, please feel free to join us even in the middle of the day.

Call for sessions

Scala has been used in a wide variety of fields and industries.
What you want to learn might be what other participants have already known or experienced, and vice versa.
Here are all Open mic conference idea samples.

- Since I know about FOO "a bit", may I answer your questions?
- I want to learn about BAR. Is there anyone who can talk about it?
- Let's play around BEEF together.
- Why not discuss BLAH-BLAR?

You can ask what you want to hear, or propose what you want to talk bout.
There are various session formats. Talk styles, workshops, hands-on, or panel discussions. You can propose your favorite format.

Also, this Open mic conference can be a wide variety of themes, such as themes that were not accepted, your hobby projects, even or your lifestyle / career as a Scala engineer.
Sessions like anonymous questionnaires about salaries, and CTO masquerade panels were also hold in the past.
Any trivial idea is fine, so let us see your ideas!

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